45 Days to Go

It is now 45 days before I embark on this epic sojourn. Excitement doesn't begin to describe my anticipation. Jo Anne and I spent a couple of hours on the phone yesterday finalizing the details for our trip. I think we are good to go.

I wasn't planning to post again until my departure but I want to document what's been going on for the last couple of months, so that when I look back at this blog, I'll remember when all of this happened. As I've mentioned in other blogs, blogging is really for me, a collection of memories like a hundred scrapbooks that I would never get around to creating, so please skip over the rest of this post if you wish. 

On February 2nd I tripped on the uneven surface while walking at Pelham Park in Bowie. I broke the 5th metacarpal in my left hand and tore my hand open just below the ring and little finger. There was much debris that had to be removed and it was a very jagged tear that required 6 stitches including one in the webbing between my ring and little finger. 

I was referred to a hand surgeon at Dallas Presbyterian. One week after the fall, on February 9th, I underwent surgery where three pins were inserted to bring the bones back together. One week post surgery, I was put in a removable splint and given a couple of hand exercises to work on flexibility. 7 weeks post surgery, I had another surgery to remove the pins and the surgeon worked at breaking up some of the scar tissue that resulted from the tear. 9 weeks after the fall, I began a regimen of physical therapy. In all this time I had never been without pain and was getting very discouraged. My training plans had gone awry. I made a very wrong assumption that since the Dr. said the bones would heal completely in 8 weeks, I would be back to normal in 8 weeks.

 Oddly enough, the break has been the least of the problem. The tear and resulting scar tissue has been the area of most pain and it appears there is still some debris trying to work it's way out. I'm not sure where this will all lead, if it will come out on it's own or require removal. When I discussed my discouragement with a good friend, she shared this verse with me, saying it had helped her through some difficult times:

"Fear not, for I am with you;
be not dismayed, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Isaiah 41:10

I wrote out the verse and stuck it on my bathroom mirror so I would be reminded every day that no matter what we are going through, we do not go through it alone. God is our refuge and our strength in times of trouble. His promise is not only that He will go with us into the valley, but more importantly, is His promise of what lies on the other side of the valley. God promises to go with us for the entire journey in order to guide us to what lies beyond. We have a Shepherd who cannot fall and who will not abandon his flock at the first sign of trouble. He is Lord of the valley! Praise Him, praise Him!


  1. A beautiful reminder of what we should remember always. I can’t hardly wait to embark on another journey with you. Love you


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